2015 - Current
Happy Fish CreationsCreative Designer
- Graphic design jobs including creation and production of corporate logos, business cards, brochures, promotional flyers, stickers, posters, etc.
- Wordpress based website designing jobs
2011 - 2015
Euroswift Retail CreationsAssistant Marketing Manager
- Retail Concept & Layout Design
- Point-of-Purchase & Point-of-Sales Materials
- In-store Communications & Signage Solutions
- Visual Merchandising Display
- Store Operations Equipment
2009 - 2011
Barman Soft, IncWeb Designer
- Maintained and updated company’s homepage
- Websites translation for clients (Japanese/English/Mandarin)
- Created visual parts for web contents (advertising banners, graphics, etc)
2008 - 2009
MNC Partners CorporationGraphic Designer
- Creation and production of sales promotional items (catalogs, pamphlets, posters, flyers, manuals, company profiles, direct mails, POP, stickers, etc.)
- Major clients include SONY, Osaka Gas, Otsuka Pharmaceutical, LION, KAO, Shiseido
2006 - 2008
Osaka University of Arts (Japan)Communication Design Course, Bachelor of Design
Took part in various events like silkscreen exhibitions, Osaka Hikari Renaissance 2006, and other design competitions. Courses included: Marketing Communication, Advertising Theory, Visual Media Theory, Graphic Design Basics, Graphic Design Practical I, II, III, Marketing Theory, History of Design.
2004 - 2006
Tokyo Institute of Art and Design, Tokyo (Japan)Graphic Designer Course, Diploma in Graphic Design
Enrolled under the Japanese Monbukagakusho scholarship. Contributed to several team projects and co-organized artwork exhibitions.
2003 - 2004
Kansai International Students Institute (Japan)Japanese Language Course, Certificate in Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1
Enrolled under the Japanese Monbukagakusho scholarship. Studies focused in Japanese Language. Achieved TOEIC test score 975/990.